This morning, I read in Numbers where Moses changed Hoshea’s name to Joshua which means “The Lord is Salvation.” As I was studying more deeply into the meaning of names in Scripture, I came to Jesus, whose real name was “Yahushua.” Several times in Scripture, names are changed: Abram to Abraham and Simon to Peter. Given names meant something highly significant in ancient days, while today, we associate meaning and movements with names people are given. For instance, we relate Billy Graham with evangelism; Rick Warren with purpose; Martin Luther King Jr. with Civil Rights; and George Washington Carver with invention.
Tracy interviewed by WIAT before
the CSM Mother's Day Luncheon |
Today, we think of names as branding and we all work hard to get our name out there. This past weekend, we sponsored our annual “Love for Moms” Luncheon where more than 100 mothers were served and encouraged. The TV news filmed the event and the speaker but CSM was not mentioned. Nevertheless, we were all pleased because at the end of the day, Jesus was glorified and lifted-up.
In 1971, the Christian Service Mission was formed with the idea to serve the poor. Today, CSM is still living out its name with Christian values while “Serving People on Mission for God” here in Birmingham. CSM is now a brand but I want to always be known by our values, mission, and service to people. Yes, we do “connect resources to needs,” but more than that, we are about connecting people to people.
Tracy's favorite popsicle
"happy face" drawing
by one of the students |
This month, we have seen 1,300 moms impacted by our Mother’s Day senior home program where churches partnered with nursing homes to love on the Moms there. We served another thousand
families through our food ministry. We mobilized hundreds of volunteers to touch lives all over the city through a Wells Fargo Service Day and we have hosted many other volunteer groups.
We have seen the
“Miracle Pops” become a reality to serve more than 800 students in Pinson and sent snacks to more than 800 students at Woodlawn High School, which were distributed by our partners. And in all that we do at CSM, we do it, in the name of Jesus.

I must be embarrassingly honest… as I have listened to the news the last couple of months, I kept hearing “POTUS” in the news and had to look it up to learn the meaning. When I looked at Scripture today, it said “at the name of Jesus every knee should bow.” The power is in the name, and here at CSM we represent the greatest name of all time— “Yahushua”!
CSM has been around 46 years and has made a great impact in Birmingham and beyond. Thank you for being a part of CSM and glorifying the name Jesus with us.