Tracy Hipps |
At Christian Service Mission (CSM), our lead focus is to transform lives through the Gospel. To do that, we must be disciple makers—who make disciples—who make disciples—who make disciples! This is in the “DNA” of who we are every day in every way. “DNA” stands for the “Divine Nature from Above.” It is in our blood that runs in our veins as a ministry to our city, state, and world.
Matthew 28: 19-20 says, “As you go, make disciples of all nations.” Thousands of people are impacted by the ministry of CSM with the Gospel as core to everything we do and every person we meet. From individuals who need tangible help, to ministers who are looking for help finding an effective way to create a Gospel-centered strategy that will improve their community, we want to be available to help where God is leading. This summer, as example, we worked with Pastor Ralph Garth of True Vine Ministries in Inglenook/Tarrant to help him create a strategy for their kid’s camp. We brought three churches together to facilitate, fund, and staff the camp and were blessed to see hundreds of lives in the community impacted.
Another important part of this passage is a thought that is constantly on my mind—“as you go.” Just last week, I was in Hardee’s where I go for breakfast every day, and the clerk at the counter asked me about my Bible. She told me that she needed a Bible that she could understand. The next day, I was able to give her a new Bible from our book supply at the warehouse. As we talked, I learned that she was a resident of the local LoveLady Center, which is one of our partners. The impact they have made on her life is amazing and I felt the power of how we invest together in the growth of Christ follower—“as you go.”

Jesus instructs us to “make disciples of all nations.” That is also what we want to do by working through the division of culture, class, color, and church denominations. We seek to bring together people who have an interest in transforming the lives of people in our city, state, and world who also have the Gospel in common. Ninety-eight percent of our work is done locally within the Birmingham city limits. However, we have volunteers who come from all over the world, and we want them to leave with a greater vision for impacting their community and the world. And sometimes, we get the chance to help make disciples in places like Africa. For example, we along with MedMissions, are helping the Deo Lubala family (pictured here with Jim Tucker of MedMissions, Rhonda Marshall and Tracy) make disciples in Tanzania by sending a container full of resources that will be used for church planting in Kenya. Tanzanians on mission to share the Gospel in Kenya is cool!
Disciple-making is not our business—it is our calling. A few years ago, we helped change a family’s life by building them a home in partnership with several churches. A group of people came around this family, committed to not only help them build a house but to improve every area of their lives. This family was surrounded by disciples who were committed to make disciples. Recently, the husband (Jamel) came to CSM to help serve a group of youth who were here from Washington D.C. and the Department of Youth Services. These kids have gotten into trouble and now the courts help them manage their lives. Jamel began to share his story with these kids and their leaders. It was a God ordained moment that shook the place and these people. The testimony of the past, alongside his testimony of the now of his relationship with the God, was amazing.
Drew and I met in Chicago 1984 when he was in Jr. High. I began discipling him then, and now as a successful businessman in 2017, he is investing into CSM. (Tracy, Drew Fox, Mary Jo Hipps and Hannah Fox) |
Disciple-making is in my DNA and in the DNA of the CSM staff. The DNA of disciple-making is also in my family. My son, Tate, worked with a team of film makers from Shades Mountain Baptist Church as they produced an evangelistic film that could impact our city, our state, and possibly the world. My wife and I have prayed all his life to raise him to be a disciple-maker and we are encouraged that DNA runs in his veins as well. Last night as I was sitting back in my chair, my phone rang. It was Ms. Henderson whom I've known for 27 years. I was her kids' youth pastor at New City Church here in Birmingham during their teen years. She just called to reconnect, give me an update, and say thank you, and I was moved. We have an incredible opportunity to be disciple-makers together. Thank you for being involved with us in God’s plan for discipleship, modeled for us by His Son, our Savior—Jesus!