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Tracy visits with moms at the Mother's Day luncheon. |
We make our plans and then we trust God to order our steps. Taking time for interruptions and being flexible with our plans is the example Christ gave us as He walked on earth. He spent time with the woman at the well, He came when the blind man called out, and He counseled Martha to spend time with Him instead of tending to her to-do list.
These interruptions are God's way of guiding our days. Here at CSM we are interrupted everyday with people from abject poverty, dealing with injustice, and with systems that create dependence. This past week we were interrupted by a young woman who wanted to find her place in God's system of care. Her pursuit brought her to my office with her pastor. We prayed and had a great conversation about "the least of these" whom we are called to serve. I was struck by her calm spirit and sweet disposition. Our staff spent time listening and caring and speaking truth into her life and she shared her deepest desire to serve as a hospice care provider. She desires to serve people in their last stage of life and help send them Home with dignity. "As you go, make disciples" and allow interruptions in your plans in order to invest in everyone that God has placed in your path.
This past month we have been blessed to serve 1500 moms in 20 nursing homes for Mother's Day. We hosted a luncheon for 110 moms to enjoy time together. We finished a house destroyed by the tornadoes four years ago and dedicated it to a Mom and her two children who are excited to be back in their home. This June we will take around 160 children and adults to Kids Across America camp where inner-city children get one of the best camp experiences around. And this summer we will see hundreds of youth descend on Birmingham in an effort to bless others and in turn we will be blessed. I pray that all the interruptions that happen this summer will be greeted as opportunities to care for those God has placed before us and will turn into blessings as we go.