CSM has changed in how we do ministry by opening up our doors for area ministries to work with our staff. We want to invest in people and we believe in the discipleship process. A good example is the Care Center where men are discipled over a six-month intensive, coming weekly to the ministry center to volunteer with us. They invest in us by volunteering and we invest in them by sharing the resources we have. We both invest in each over by sharing our stories.
CSM has changed in whom we engage in partnerships. We want to build strong relationships with organizations that are seeking to make a difference in the communities we serve and that share the same values. We want to serve together with churches who are involved in outreach events where the gospel is proclaimed and lives are changed.
CSM has changed in where we feel the Lord is working and moving within the local communities. We have primary church partners that we work with to engage their whole community, creating healthier neighborhoods, homes, and people. We want to help the church build its capacity for community outreach and impact.
CSM has changed its focus to be about building healthier communities in Birmingham by utilizing Food, Housing, Outreach and our Ministry Center as tools for change. Come be a partner in this change.