The launch of the new CSM six-week program, Cooking Well, involves messy hands, a tasty meal, and sweet conversation around the dinner table at True Vine Ministries in North Birmingham and New Rising Star in East Lake. The classes kicked off with focus on preparing a healthy and balanced plate using the USDA MyPlate guidelines. The first week, students learned basic cooking skills while preparing a meal of salmon with mango salsa, zucchini/squash sauté (fresh from the CSM Garden Center) and brown rice pilaf.

CSM Nutrition intern, Allie Sanderson, teaches the cooking skills and nutrition segments of the class, while Jane DeLaney and Jenny Cochran of demonstrate their finely tuned culinary skills and pull the meal together for everyone to share around the dining table. It is that magic of "commensality" that we find starts to break down walls, and open the door for relationship and deeper truths to be shared.
Learning how to choose leaner and cleaner proteins, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables are an example of the many lessons that Cooking Well includes. Student also gain valuable knowledge of meal planning, eating healthy on a budget, and living a more balanced life. This hands-on-experience ultimately aims to foster community and create a sustainable model for infusing health throughout Birmingham. We are thrilled with the results and feedback so far. If you are interested in volunteering as a Cooking Well nutrition, culinary or kitchen assistant, please contact Judy Vann.
Cooking Well together in the True Vine church kitchen |
Knife skills taught with produce harvested from the CSM gardens |
Jenny Cochran, eMeals co-founder and culinary wizard,
excited to be hands-on with the first Cooking Well class |
Allie Sanderson, CSM Nutrition intern from Samford
and Cooking Well instructor par excellence |
Jesse Kennedy serving the lunch according to
MyPlate proportions with a big smile |