Over the last month, the 1st-grade classes at Westminster Elementary
School have been working in their classrooms to write 120 Mother's Day
cards for our Mother's Day banquet on May 11th. This has been the
continuation of a 5+ year relationship between CSM and the 1st-grade
classes at Westminster.

During my time at the
school, I spoke to three first grade classes (about 45 kids) about our
Mother's Day luncheon and how we would utilize the cards as a part of
our blessing and honoring those moms on the 11th. I let them ask
questions for about 5 minutes about the food, the timing, the
decorations, etc... and then the class prayed for CSM, the banquet, the
mom and the letters. They all prayed aloud at one time lifting up their
requests to God that people would know him more because of this event
and their letters. When they finished, I asked them if I could pray for
them because I grew up in a school that didn't let people just pray
together out loud like that and those kids were totally shocked that
that was a reality. After I prayed and thanked God for them and their
impact and involvement, I told them one of the best ways (if not the
greatest) to love and serve others is to pray for them and no matter how
old or how young they are, their prayers will always be heard by God.
of the teachers said that "our kids don't know much outside of this
school and for them to hear that prayer isn't necessarily allowed in
other schools is out of this world to them".