Tuesday, April 18, 2017

A Note From Tracy: In Awe of Christ

And they were filled with awe… (Mark 4:41 TLB)

When was the last time you were filled with awe for what Christ has done for you? Take a moment, stop what you are doing, and allow the Lord to fill you with awe that He died and that He is risen. I am in awe of the cross and what He endured for you and for me. We will never fully comprehend the pain He endured for us and how He suffered being separated from God the Father for us. I am in awe that He rose from the dead to walk the earth, and that we serve a living Savior. I ask you to think about the awe that the apostles and followers must have felt in His presence during this time.

There is magnificent wonder in each part of the story. Each statement alone overwhelms me with the power and greatness of our Christ. I imagine the awe of watching Christ our Savior ascending into heaven to be seated at His rightful place beside God the Father. I am in awe that He gave us our assignment to make disciples as we walk the path He has designed for us to follow. I am humbled to speak of the awe of who Jesus is and what He has done for us. And I am in awe of who I am because Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, giving us all the authority to serve Him as His disciples here today.

At CSM, we are in awe daily serving Christ because of what He has done and the call to be a part of His grand story. We seek the Shalom of our great city and to share the Gospel message to the people. We desire to serve with the message of reconciliation that is only possible because of Jesus. We stand in awe of our great Savior for our great city and are honored to walk with you in this great story.

Awe-filled blessings to you,


Tracy Hipps
CSM Executive Director

He is risen. He is risen indeed.