Some things at CSM are all heart. In this ministry, we can’t escape the importance of elevating and resourcing mothers. So many women are single moms, have raised their grandchildren, have had to juggle working full-time with child-care, not to mention they have most likely functioned as the family cook. On Mother’s Day weekend, we always celebrate the ones who have poured their lives into their families and often into the lives of other women.
In partnership with kind and generous people of South Highland Presbyterian Church, we invited our partner women’s ministries to come and enjoy a beautiful luncheon in their honor, catered by The Fish House Restaurant. Some of the women in attendance are in the process of rebuilding their lives, some are finding a way to protect their children and/or themselves from abuse, and some are elderly women who deserve great honor for a lifetime of love for their children and grandchildren. Some in attendance were the precious ministry leaders who give their lives away on behalf of these women. Our spirits were lifted in worship by the musical brilliance of Al and Passion Lewis, and we were all encouraged to honor our own mothers throughout their life in a poignant address by Sandra Hardy. A special thanks to Deborah Foster for being our delightful MC for the event, to Debbie Perkins for managing the on-site details, and to all the volunteers who came to prepare, serve and clean. We ♥ Moms!
Volunteers setting the tables |
Jamie Barnhart and Rhonda Marshall ready to greet the guests |
Here they come! |
Welcome and name tags for all |
Deborah Foster shared her MC skills with us all |
Deborah enjoying lunch with her daughter |
Al and Passion Lewis got everyone on their feet! |
Sandra Hardy from Urban Hope shared from
her heart as a Mom and daughter
All the guests moved around the room to find answers for a crowd-breaker |
Roses on the ready for all moms in attendance |
CSM intern Morgan Rhodes happy to send the
guests home with a rose after pouring her heart into
coordinating this event for the past few months. |
One of our beautiful moms |