Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Summer Food Drive for Kids

Summertime is almost here, and many of our partners will be ministering to kids throughout the city. Several are hosting summer camps and special events and they depend on CSM to help them provide healthy meals and snacks throughout the summer. 

A large number of these students normally receive their breakfast and lunch at school and now they will receive these meals at summer camp. Most food drives are held during the fall and winter, and research shows that food donations are usually down during the summer.

We need your help this summer! Are you, your Sunday School class, youth group, ladies ministry, local organization or business looking for a summer project? Well, please consider organizing a summer food drive for us. We can use non-perishable food items including snacks that we can distribute to help feed our local youth and their families. You can drop off your donations here at the warehouse. Let’s come together and help our youth have a happy and healthy summer. 

“He who is kind to poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward him for what he has done.”
Proverbs 19:17

Contact: Rhonda Marshall (